Vereador Sassá da Construção ouve demandas de moradores do bairro Petrópolis, na zona sul

O Judiciário

At the request of the community, councilman Sassá da Construção Civil (PT) listened to the demands of residents of the Petrópolis neighborhood, in the south zone, this Friday (03/15). Infrastructure-related demands were presented to the councilman, who stated that he will seek solutions to the identified problems. The councilman spoke with community members from the alley Dra. Neide Vasconcelos. The main complaint of the residents is the collapse of the base of the igarapé in the area and erosions, which, according to them, urgently require revitalization services. Sassá highlighted the importance of visiting communities and listening to the desires of the residents. “My goal is to listen to the people and, in addition, present what is within my competence as a councilman. I am here to be the spokesperson for each citizen, taking all their demands to the Municipal Executive Power,” explained Sassá. In addition to listening to the community’s appeal, the councilman committed to returning to the site next Monday (03/18), along with the undersecretary of the Municipal Infrastructure Secretariat (Seminf), Efrain Costa de Aragão, to begin infrastructure services in the area. Text: Alinne Bindá – Councilman’s Communication Office Photo: Laercio Sousa  

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