During his speech at the Manaus City Council (CMM) on Monday (05/27), Councilman William Alemão (Citizenship) once again demanded the Executive’s message that guarantees the payment of the second installment of the base date to the employees of the Municipal Health Secretariat (Semsa). According to William, according to Law 3,293 / 2024, the Municipal Executive, in an election year, must make the payment of the base date of the salaries and subsidies of municipal public servants in two installments. The first installment was paid on the 22nd, but also did not meet the deadline provided by law. “According to the law, the message should have arrived at this House on the 1st of this month, in order to be paid on June 1st. But nothing has arrived so far,” argued the councilman. Regularization – On the occasion, the councilman also commented on the land regularization of the Colônia Antônio Aleixo neighborhood, in the east zone. “Just to make it clear, the land regularization started in 2017, in the previous municipal administration and was shelved. It only appeared now because it is an election period. Let’s make things very clear to the population,” highlighted William. According to him, since it is an area of the Union, there was a need for a Technical Cooperation Agreement (ACT) for the work to continue, which was done last year. “This land regularization should have already been delivered,” he concluded. Text: Councilman’s Communication AdvisoryPhoto: Mauro Pereira – Dicom / CMM
William Alemão cobra pagamento da segunda parcela de data-base aos servidores da Semsa